





Machine Inference Reliability Awareness (MIRA™) is a specification for the design of pattern recognition algorithms and, more generally, of analytical AI algorithms, which has the objective of making the inferential engine aware of the reliability of the inferences it generates. The inference engine must communicate the reliability associated with each inference process.

The concept of reliability of the inferential process should not be confused with the strength of the inference of a soft label. The latter represents the weight that the inferential process has given to the specific classification. The reliability is intrinsic to the methodology used to generate the inference.

In pattern recognition algorithms and neural networks, reliability is often related to the metric used to calculate vector distances. Some metrics guarantee better generalization performance than others but, typically, they are less reliable.

PRTVA™ (Pattern Recognition Triple Version Algorithm™) is one of the technologies developed to meet the requirements of the MIRA™ guideline. The algorithms can be different and the metrics can also be different. The number of reliability levels can vary from 2 to N. The common methodology for all implementations of inferential engines satisfying the MIRA™ requirements is to generate the inference with different algorithms whose reliability is known: an agent external to the algorithms must select the result of the inference produced by the algorithm with the highest reliability.

Measuring the reliability of an inferential process is extremely relevant in any safety critical context and where the result can be deceived by external agents.

PRTVA™ uses three different algorithms and four distance vector metrics. The PRTVA™ technique implements an inference engine with four levels of reliability.











